I love, Pizza,Coffee,Tea & Bacon. Driving, walking, singing & Dogs. I like detective based TV shows. Space and the universe, the future and the past. I love music and have a eclectic collection/taste.
I used to be in a heavy metal band called Joke Against Man, I was the vocalist. I surfed once, I dream about doing it again. I also rode mountain bikes, and competed twice. I've spent more time on airplanes on the ground then in the sky. I've sat in cockpits from airlines around the world. Yet I've only flow a few times.
I'm a father,Husband & Brother. I love my family!
I have a dog called Bogarts (RIP) & a cat called Mia.
It all started years ago I remember from my childhood having a chest of drawers full of family photos. I just loved jumping into history, the draw itself was old and creaky and it had that old photographic paper smell, a chemical earthy tone.
There must have been hundreds - possibly thousands. Some in books, most loose and some in half sorted piles. Of course that chest of drawers doesnt exist anymore. But those memories still do at my parents house.
I've used all sorts of cameras. Simple pull and click for the next frame on the film to auto wind. Holiday throw aways, waterproof throwaways, to the recent DSLR. But the best one is the one I have with me.
A friend had a Darkroom, I spent a day with her, she photographed me in various poses. We then spent the next few hours putting them through the dark room process. I remember thinking: 'I want to do this'
Life changed for me in the next few years and the only camera I used was a disposable one on holidays. Chance would find me riding my bike home one day after work and I would find a camera in the road smashed to pieces. I took it home and repaired what I could, I bought a 35mm black and white film and rode up to South Downs way. Sadly those images don't exist but it worked perfectly fine. That was my first landscape/portrait photography trip.
I took that camera to Newquay on a surfing trip at the age of 18 and took some great photos. That was the last time for some years. In fact my life changed considerably until I got married to my wife Kathy and met some amazing generous friends. Friends, who would end my photography drought of 20 something years.
A Nikon D700 and a 50mm Nikon Lens, on a trip to North Wales, became the catalyst to me becoming a Photographer. I'm still chasing the dream, and will continue to love what I do with a passion.
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